Wrist Lock: Learning to Experiment

The hardcover edition of Wrist Locks: From Protecting Yourself to Becoming an Expert stayed in print for about a decade. (Yes, we celebrated.)

Then, it was time to retire it, and produce something better. I took photos for the softcover edition, added bonuses chapters, considered new joint locks, and so on. I also tightened the writing.

One of my newer locks didn’t make the cut. I liked the idea behind it, but it wasn’t strong enough to warrant a chapter in my critically acclaimed book. It had to go, even before it got in.

Still, the idea behind the lock intrigued me. I wanted to share the experimentation process with my readers. So, I created a little ebook called The Deleted Lock.

Click here, to download your copy for FREE. It’s a principle worth considering … even if it didn’t make it into the Wrist Locks book.

The Deleted Wrist Lock